Thursday 21 August 2008

Irish Medicines Formulary Edition 4 Now Published

�The Irish Medicines Formulary (IMF), Edition 4, has now been published and distributed to registered GPs in fulltime recitation in Ireland.

Since it was starting time published in February 2007, IMF continues to produce to meet the inevitably of Irish healthcare professionals. A major innovation in Edition 4 is the inclusion of Illness Definitions. Every dose in IMF Edition 4 has a licensed indication and each indication now carries a concise aesculapian definition, providing additional data for medical students, pharmacists and nursing professionals.

Another new addition to IMF Edition 4 is the inclusion by the Irish Medicines Board (IMB) of their Quality Defect Report Card (green card) in addition to the IMB Adverse Event Report Cards (yellow card game). The Quality Defect Report card is of particular importance to pharmacists world Health Organization either lineament detect defects when dispensing, or when patients return defective products.

IMF Edition 4 besides now includes a page in the Clinical Utilities section explaining the pricing mechanism for prescription drugs in Ireland whether reimbursed or for private patients, and outlines the statistical distribution chain and the assorted price points (ex-factory, wholesale, trade, retail). This section also contains treatment guidelines and algorithms, herbal drug interaction tables, a body-surface area calculating machine and CVS risk charts.

2789 dose prices cause been revised in IMF Edition 4 to secure users get access to meaningful practical prices (PCRS-reimbursed price or, for non-reimbursed products, business deal price). Feedback from practicing GPs confirmed that these price points were more useful than ex-factory pricing. Finally, over 700 SPCs (Summary of Product Characteristics), new or with a new rewrite date, were reviewed resulting in barely over 1300 revisions beingness made to the IMF database since Edition 3.

IMF Edition 4 can be purchased on-line at or by contacting the publisher, Meridian Ireland, Tel/Fax: (01)-8390073 or email:

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