Wednesday 10 September 2008

New Target For Fight Against Common Type Of Breast Cancer: Brk

new promising enzyme target area for a specific case of breast cancer, Brk,
has been identified in research published on August 21, 2008 in
the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

a specific subset of breast cancer patients, the neoplasm cells create
high levels of the protein ErbB2 (also called HER2) which pushes the
cells to proliferate without limit, a characteristic common of all
cancers. Approximately one in four patients are in this grouping, and
their clinical prognoses are considerably worse than other patients.
While Herceptin and Lapatinib, concomitantly administered with other
chemotherapic agents, suffer improved the prognosis for many of these
patients, there is significant electric potential for development in this area.
In particular, they ar able to suppress ErbB2, but are not effective
against all tumors that secrete it. Additionally, when patients' tumors
do respond, they commonly become tolerant over time.

to the authors of this field of study, led by Professor Senthil Muthuswamy, Ph.D
of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, this suggested that another
component might factor into the progression of these tumors. "The limited
success of existing therapy suggested to us that factors
as well ErbB2, or proteins that collude with ErbB2, might nullify the
effects of Herceptin and Lapatinib," explained Dr.

ErbB2 is a type of molecule known as a receptor tyrosine kinases.
Implicated in many cancers, these molecules occupy on the surface of
the cell and observe cues in the encompassing environment which signal
the cells to proliferate. In breast cancers, this overrun or
ErbB2 in breast cancers are due to a gene chromosomal mutation resulting in
multiple copies of the gene.

is another protein that undergoes this
sort of gain due to multiple copies of its gene in the genome.
This study focused on the potential link with Brk, which was previously
shown to be over-produced in many types of cancers, including
two-thirds of all breast cancers. By analyzing the genomes of several
breast crab patients helped showed an association between ErbB2 and
Brk. To do this, they forced the production of both agents in the same
cells, and noting the way of life they worked together, to see if they were
over-produced in tandem.

team examined tissue from more than two hundred patients for variations
in the genome that could lead to multiple copies of both genes. In
these samples, both proteins were amplified abnormally. Re-analyzing
for the proteins themselves, rather than the genes, also indicated that
the proteins were also over-expressed and thusly in higher concentrations
in the patients' cells. This indicates that both mightiness play an
important character in the development of this type of crab, and so
should both be targetted. "Our results might explicate why the strategy
of using ErbB2 inhibitors
solitary to treat breast cancers has fallen short," said Dr. Muthuswamy.
"These findings may also intimate a way to treat patients with advanced
ErbB2-positive tumors and those who've developed resistance to ErbB2
inhibitors -- an idea that we're eager to test."

In further
experimentation, it became clear to the team that Brk was not capable, in
isolation, to cause cancerous proilferation, and rather enhanced the
proliferation of cells besides expressing ErbB2 by accelerating their
entry into the cell cycle. According to Dr. Muthuswamy, it may be
useful to think of these proteins as factors in driving a car: "If
ErbB2 is the accelerator that makes the car move, Brk helps shift the
gear to gain more than speed."

Thus, Brk helps these tumors become
virulent. Additionally, the team was able to implicate Brk in the
drug-resistant properties of some of these tumors. This indicates, once
over again, that both must be targeted in future therapies. According to
Muthuswamy: "We power need to hit ErbB2-expressing cancers with drugs
against both ErbB2 and Brk."

Brk might likewise be targeted in
isolation. The scientists believe this to be a reasonable strategy
because Brk influence appears to be specific to these cancer cells.
"Brk does non promote the proliferation of normal cells, and its
expression in normal tissues is restricted to non-proliferating cells."
Thus, many side effects that could be caused by other drugs, which
target less specific chemicals, or ar in higher levels in the cells.

Finally, Brk might own use in dianosing chest cancer. "We also think
that Brk would be an ideal clinical mark than could be
used to leave both a diagnosis and prognosis for breast cancer,"
Dr. Muthuswamy.

Brk is coamplified with ErbB2 to promote proliferation in
chest cancer

Bin Xiang, Kiranam Chatti, Haoqun Qiu, B. Lakshmi, Alexander Krasnitz,
Jim Hicks, Min Yu, W. Todd Miller, and Senthil K. Muthuswamy.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
August 21, 2008

interior Department: 10.1073/pnas.0805009105
Click Here For Journal

About Cold Spring Harbor Labs:

CSHL is a private, not-for-profit research and education institution
dedicated to exploring molecular biology and genetics in order to
advance the understanding and ability to diagnose and treat cancers,
neurological diseases, and early causes of human distress. For more than
information, please visit hTTP://

Written by Anna Sophia McKenney

View drug entropy on Herceptin.

Copyright: Medical News Today

Not to be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today

More info

Thursday 21 August 2008

Irish Medicines Formulary Edition 4 Now Published

�The Irish Medicines Formulary (IMF), Edition 4, has now been published and distributed to registered GPs in fulltime recitation in Ireland.

Since it was starting time published in February 2007, IMF continues to produce to meet the inevitably of Irish healthcare professionals. A major innovation in Edition 4 is the inclusion of Illness Definitions. Every dose in IMF Edition 4 has a licensed indication and each indication now carries a concise aesculapian definition, providing additional data for medical students, pharmacists and nursing professionals.

Another new addition to IMF Edition 4 is the inclusion by the Irish Medicines Board (IMB) of their Quality Defect Report Card (green card) in addition to the IMB Adverse Event Report Cards (yellow card game). The Quality Defect Report card is of particular importance to pharmacists world Health Organization either lineament detect defects when dispensing, or when patients return defective products.

IMF Edition 4 besides now includes a page in the Clinical Utilities section explaining the pricing mechanism for prescription drugs in Ireland whether reimbursed or for private patients, and outlines the statistical distribution chain and the assorted price points (ex-factory, wholesale, trade, retail). This section also contains treatment guidelines and algorithms, herbal drug interaction tables, a body-surface area calculating machine and CVS risk charts.

2789 dose prices cause been revised in IMF Edition 4 to secure users get access to meaningful practical prices (PCRS-reimbursed price or, for non-reimbursed products, business deal price). Feedback from practicing GPs confirmed that these price points were more useful than ex-factory pricing. Finally, over 700 SPCs (Summary of Product Characteristics), new or with a new rewrite date, were reviewed resulting in barely over 1300 revisions beingness made to the IMF database since Edition 3.

IMF Edition 4 can be purchased on-line at or by contacting the publisher, Meridian Ireland, Tel/Fax: (01)-8390073 or email:

More information

Monday 11 August 2008

Son Seals

Son Seals   
Artist: Son Seals



Lettin' Go   
 Lettin' Go

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 14

Spontaneous Combustion   
 Spontaneous Combustion

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 12

Midnight Son   
 Midnight Son

   Year: 1990   
Tracks: 9

Living in the Danger Zone   
 Living in the Danger Zone

   Year: 1989   
Tracks: 11

It all started with a sound call from Wesley Race, world Health Organization was at the Flamingo Club on Chicago's South Side, to Alligator Records proprietor Bruce Iglauer. Race was raving near a new feel, a lester Willis Young guitarist named Son Seals. He held the sound in the way of the bandstand, so Iglauer could get an on-site newspaper. It didn't take foresightful for Iglauer to scramble into action at law. Alligator issued Seals' eponymic debut record album in 1973, which was followed by sestet more.

Son Seals was born Frank Seals on August 13, 1942 in Osceola, Arkansas. His pop operated a juke joint called the Dipsy Doodle Club in Osceola where Sonny Boy Williamson, Robert Nighthawk, and Albert King cavorted upfront while little Frank listened intently in back. Drums were the youth's first base instrument; he played them behind Nighthawk at age 13. But by the sentence he was 18, Son Seals sour his talents to guitar, fronting his possess band in Little Rock.

While visiting his sister in Chicago, he aquiline up with Earl Hooker's Roadmasters in 1963 for a few months, and on that point was a 1966 erolia minutilla with Albert King that sent him behind the drumkit once more than. But with the dying of his don in 1971, Seals returned to Chicago, this sentence for effective. When Alligator gestural him up, his days fronting a banding at the Flamingo Club and the Expressway Lounge were numbered.

Seals' jaggy, inflexible guitar riffs and gruff vocals were showcased very effectively on that 1973 debut determine, which contained his "Your Love Is like a Cancer" and a hot subservient called "Live Sauce." Midnight Son, his 1976 encore, was by comparison a practically trickster amour, with close horns, funkier grooves, and a set list that included "Telephone set Angel" and "On My Knees." Seals LP in 1978 at Wise Fools Pub; some other studio concoction, Chicago Fire, in 1980, and a solid sic in 1984, Bad Axe, before having a disagreement with Iglauer that that was patched up in 1991 with the departure of his sixth Alligator set, Living in the Danger Zone. Zippo But the Truth followed in 1994, sporting some of the worst cover nontextual matter in CD account, just a stinging card of songs inside. Another unrecorded disc, Self-generated Combustion, was recorded at Buddy Guy's Legends club and released in June of 1996. Over the years, Seals had his share of hardship, bad deals, unemployment, and rip-offs that go on in the medicine business. However, his personal life took 2 crushing blows in the late '90s. On January 5, 1997, during a domestic dispute, Seals was shot in the yack away by his late mate. He miraculously recovered and continued touring. Two years later he had his left wing stage amputated as a result of diabetes. What would induce certainly forced almost performers into retirement only made Seals more dedicated to his euphony and audience. He came back in 2000, sign language with Telarc Blues, and recorded Lettin' Go. Seals preferent to remain close to his Chicago home, retention his touring itinerary to an sheer lower limit. Virtually every weekend he could be base somewhere on the Northside blues circuit, dishing up his raw-edged brand of bad blues ax to local followers. The blues complete for Son Seals on December 20, 2004; he passed aside due to diabetes related to complications.

China Dreams

Wednesday 6 August 2008

July 2008 National Pharmacy Association Board Meeting, UK

�NPA (National Pharmacy Association) Chairman, Paul Bennett, comments on some of the items discussed at the July 2008 board meeting:

1 NPA Strategic Purpose

"The NPA exists to serve members. Our purpose is to represent, support and protect the interests of all community pharmacy owners across the UK. The Board was pleased to endorse the vision defined by the Chief Executive of a membership body that will "serve to lead". Over the coming weeks and months the Associations activities will centre on fashioning that visual modality a world through potent representation and innovative support services. I look ahead to sharing the details of the programme with our members very shortly."

2 Minor Ailments Scheme in Northern Ireland

"The Board was gravely concerned by the approach interpreted by the Department of Health in Northern Ireland with wish to the roll knocked out of a national minor ailments strategy. Our colleagues in PCC have presented entirely sensible proposals to the Government with regard to the scheme that have been rejected without explanation.

It is not often that pharmacy bares its teeth - merely this situation requires a clear, unambiguous position. The PCC and UCA sustain called upon this system to support the resolution already carried by their members. The unanimous response of this Board is to recommend that all NPA members withdraw from the minor ailments scheme in Northern Ireland with immediate issue. It is my sincere hope that this action will gad the Department to rejoin to the negotiating table so that patients and the public in the Province toilet benefit from this avail."

3 PIP codification

"The NPA and CMPMedica are partners in the PIP computer code project that provides the data spine to much of the electronic communication in pharmacy systems. This Board believes the benefit of having a exclusive dataset for pharmacy electronic communications is an asset to be coveted in which chemist's shop should invest. We ar aware that recent changes in the structure and pricing by CMPMedica have caused headache amongst NPA members. I have consequently asked the NPA to work in partnership with CMPMedica to improve communication of the changes and benefits of this important project to NPA members."

4 Chris Jenkins - modern Board phallus for Wales

"I would like to receive our newest Board Member, Chris, to his first Board coming together in Mallinson House. We are always open to fresh thought process and new ideas and I am thankful for the part Chris has made over the iI days. I have no doubt that the get and insight that Chris has as an independent contractor in a rural constituency will ensure we are inclusive of the concerns of NPA members in a similar situation."

5 Pharmacy White Paper - a collaborative approach

"I was pleased to report to my young man Board Members that a spirit of collaboration between the chemist's shop bodies has underpinned the approach that will be taken with regard to the Pharmacy White Paper, an approaching that will benefit the profession generally and NPA members specifically. This approach path has delivered another dividend - we are now seeing a coming together of views on the Electronic Prescription Service in England."

6 NPA Response to PSNC and DDA joint statement

"The NPA remains broadly supportive of the proposals with wish to dispensing doctors contained within the Pharmacy White Paper. The NPA is clear that this issue is a matter that needs to be resolved between the representatives of dispensing doctors and the Department of Health. The Board awaits the audience promised by the Department with respect to 100 hour contracts, appliance contractors and dispensing doctors where we will give the proposals on each our full thoughtfulness."

National Pharmacy Association Ltd

More info

Thursday 26 June 2008

Carl Barat Resting After Hospital Discharge

Carl Barat has left hospital and is now resting at home, after suffering acute pancreatitis last week.

The Dirty Pretty Things frontman was rushed into hospital after getting stomach pains last Tuesday (June 17th), which also forced his band to cancel two scheduled shows at weekend.

The group will however, return to the stage this coming Saturday June 28th, where they will perform at the Sun Jam Festival in Bern.

Dirty Pretty Things release second album 'Romance At Short Notice' this coming Monday, June 30th.

See Also

Wednesday 25 June 2008


Artist: Rammstein

   Metal: Alternative
   Metal: Industrial
   Rock: Hard-Rock


Kein Engel   
 Kein Engel

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 15

Volkerball (DVD) - Audio CD   
 Volkerball (DVD) - Audio CD

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 16

Volkerball (Bonus DVD)   
 Volkerball (Bonus DVD)

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 25


   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 25

Mann Gegen Mann (Single)   
 Mann Gegen Mann (Single)

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 3


   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 11

Ohne Dich   
 Ohne Dich

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 6

Live in Poland (Reise Reise)   
 Live in Poland (Reise Reise)

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 19

Benzin (Single)   
 Benzin (Single)

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 4

Reise, Reise   
 Reise, Reise

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 11

Mein Teil   
 Mein Teil

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 4

Live Mannheim   
 Live Mannheim

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 23

Live Lissabon   
 Live Lissabon

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 21

Live Aus Prag - 3.12.2004   
 Live Aus Prag - 3.12.2004

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 19

Great Mix Hits   
 Great Mix Hits

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 14

Das Spiel Mit Dem Feuer   
 Das Spiel Mit Dem Feuer

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 14

Amerika (single)   
 Amerika (single)

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 6


   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 8

Vater Remix   
 Vater Remix

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 11


   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 1


   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 11

Seeman(The Best Ballads)   
 Seeman(The Best Ballads)

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 17

Live Apollo Theatre (Manchester)   
 Live Apollo Theatre (Manchester)

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 18

Feuer Frei!   
 Feuer Frei!

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 19

Der Musikalische Staub: Remixes   
 Der Musikalische Staub: Remixes

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 15


   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 5


   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 14

Live Aus Russland   
 Live Aus Russland

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 16

Links 2-3-4   
 Links 2-3-4

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 5

Im Reich der Sonne (Live) CD2   
 Im Reich der Sonne (Live) CD2

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 14

Im Reich der Sonne (Live) CD1   
 Im Reich der Sonne (Live) CD1

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 15

Ich Will (Single)   
 Ich Will (Single)

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 4

Wilder Freiden (1999)   
 Wilder Freiden (1999)

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 2


   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 5

Live Aus Berlin (Limited Edition) Cd2   
 Live Aus Berlin (Limited Edition) Cd2

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 6

Live Aus Berlin (Limited Edition) Cd1   
 Live Aus Berlin (Limited Edition) Cd1

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 12

Totes Fleisch 1994-1998 (Uberarbeitete Version)   
 Totes Fleisch 1994-1998 (Uberarbeitete Version)

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 37


   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 11

Original Single Kollektion (Best Of, Compilation)   
 Original Single Kollektion (Best Of, Compilation)

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 6

Du Riechst So Gut '98 (Single)   
 Du Riechst So Gut '98 (Single)

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 8

Du Riechst So Gut   
 Du Riechst So Gut

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 8

Sehnsucht (Japan)   
 Sehnsucht (Japan)

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 13

Propheten Der Apokalypse   
 Propheten Der Apokalypse

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 17

Live At The Max - Nov. 11 1997   
 Live At The Max - Nov. 11 1997

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 15

Engel (Fan Edition)   
 Engel (Fan Edition)

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 4


   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 5

Du Hast   
 Du Hast

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 4

Das Modell   
 Das Modell

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 3

Asche Zu Asche   
 Asche Zu Asche

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 6

Seemann (Single)   
 Seemann (Single)

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 3

Seeman (Mix)   
 Seeman (Mix)

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 3

Lost Highway   
 Lost Highway

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 2


   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 11

Du Riechst So Gut   
 Du Riechst So Gut

   Year: 1995   
Tracks: 3

Rare Tracks   
 Rare Tracks

Tracks: 14

Koln brennt (live)   
 Koln brennt (live)

Tracks: 7

Keine Lust (Limited Edition)   
 Keine Lust (Limited Edition)

Tracks: 8

Rammstein was formed in 1993 by an assembly of factory-weary proletarians raised in East Germany. They took their name (adding an "m") from the locating of a German tragedy where 80 citizenry were ache and killed as the resultant role of a crash during an American Air Force flight show. The literal translation of "tup gertrude Stein" is a battering ram made of gem. Word of Rammstein's horror romanticist blend of theater of operations and music spread like wildfire. One-time Olympic swimmer Till Lindemann would sing entire songs engulfed in flame from head word to toe. The band's first album, Herzeleid (Heartache), reinforced on the grounds created by the band's lively reputation. Scaling the German charts (and leftover in that respect until the liberation of the instant Rammstein LP some deuce long time later), the album also introduced the band to the domain external of the Germany/Switzerland/Austria region. As Rammstein's second base album, Sehnsucht (Longing), was released, the band was headlining throughout Europe to crowds of 10,000 to 30,000 people. Sehnsucht entered the German charts at numeral nonpareil immediately upon its tone ending and came very close to doing the same in Austria and Switzerland. Within weeks, entries on early countries' charts had Sehnsucht rubbing elbows with the Prodigy, Radiohead, and the Rolling Stones on Billboard's accumulative Eurochart. From there the fever spreading, transcending any sensed oral communication barrier. Murmuring followed in 2001, Reise, Reise in 2004, and the live collection Volkerball in 2006.